Now, stay with me for a minute as we change course. Black Panther has long been been a favorite character of mine. In my teens I read the classic stuff-- Jungle Action, the Kirby series, etc.. But recent research keeps pointing to Christopher Priest's run in the late 90s/early 2000s as something to check out. My interest is piqued. I've never read these. So I Google Christopher Priest and, holy cow...Priest and Jim Owsley are the same person. What? This blew my mind. Apparently he changed his name sometime in the 90s. I'm sure this is old news to some of you, but I had no idea.
I also see that he wrote the last batch of Power Man & Iron Fist issues, which suddenly makes total sense. PM & IF was another book I read quite a bit of, which now seems pretty spotty at best, upon revisiting it. However, I distinctly remember that the last run of issues right up until the finale was quite good.
Priest's website is really interesting...starting with his "Why I Stopped Writing Comics." Some really cool insights into Marvel, the characters, the race issue (he's African American). And he talks specifically about his runs on Conan, BP, and PM & IF, among others. I find it fascinating. The site is a bit hard to navigate, but you can get to a lot of the good stuff from here.